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Showing posts from July, 2021

What is Offbeat Destination -Definition of offbeat destination

 What is Offbeat Destination -Definition of offbeat destination  What are off beat places? When this question came in my mind, I thought, what is really off beat, just like our famous tourist place, or completely different, how to define them? Then thought everything is the same, one has to go to a new place away from home, stay in a good hotel or resort. And have to see the famous monuments there. The famous food there is to be eaten and that is what many people like us do in that crowd. But these are not off-beat destinations, where there is a lot of crowd, the views of nature are hidden in the high-rise buildings and in the comfort of royal hotels, In my eyes off beat destination means a place where, wherever you look, there is no crowd full of people, where the natural beauty is not hidden, behind the buildings, there are no buildings built in queues on the banks of the river and waterfall. Yes, where you don't have to stay in a costly hotel or resort, just stay at home an...